Mar 28, 2024

City of Russell releases Consumer Confidence Report on public water

Posted Mar 28, 2024 9:00 PM

The drinking water in the city of Russell is good. So say the final results of the Consumer Confidence Report covering calendar year 2023. Information released Wednesday is a snapshot of water quality tests conducted in 2023.

For each test, there is a Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG), which is the level below which there is no known or expected risk to human health. The Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) is the highest level of contaminant that is allowed in drinking water.

The tests showed 1.1 parts per billion (ppb) of arsenic in the water, with a MGCL of zero and an MCL of 10. Levels of barium, chromium, fluoride, and selenium came in well under the MCLG. 

Contaminants that are not regulated do not have a MCLG but do have a Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level (SMCL), or recommended level. The SMCL for pH of water is 8.5, and Russell's water tested at 8.2. The lower the pH, the more corrosive the water is. Levels between 6.5 and 8.5 are safe to drink. The SMCL for sodium is 100 parts per million, and Russell's water tested at 100. All other secondary contaminants tested well below the SMCL.

CLICK HERE to see the complete testing results.